- The Federal and State governments do not operate as they were originally intend to
- The people have asked for handouts for far to long
- The governments have taxed “the fruit of our labor” (income taxes) in direct violation of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence
- There is way too much regulations beyond Constitutional Limits—Article 1 Section 8 Clause 3
- Our elective officials in Congress don't even know the Constitution for they swear under oath to uphold
- The media is so bias that the people vote according to the coverage of the candidates
- The Bill of Right are virtual dead in this Nation
- People are running for public office for only one agenda and not for the good of all—Preamble
- We have a method of “checks and balance” in the federal government but who checks the Supreme Court?
- We continue to maintain an Army in direct violation of the Constitution for it says, “To raise and support Armies.” Armies were not a natural function of this country, only when they did them, compare “To Provide and maintain a Navy.
- We fight conflicts overseas that are not “declared wars” by Congress
- We have no monetary money—gold and silver
- We have an unconstitutional federal reserve that prints money for the US Government
The so-called income tax is not need by the federal government when they can print paper money at will
- The current federal income tax pays for no services at all—it only pays for the interest on the national debt.
- We elect a President in direct violation of the US Constitution
We have became a undivided nation of separate groups such as African-american and Latinos with no loyalty to this nation
- Our laws are not enforced by the Federal or State governments unless they want them to be
- Our politicians wants illegal immigrants to be citizens of this nation with open arms in direct violation of Federal laws
- We are so eager to fight foreign wars but will not protect our borders
- We have a Constitutional right to bear arms and shall not be infringed but lobbyist and politicians have invoked over 5000 gun laws—2nd Amendment
- The Federal government keeps the States in check by refusing to give them money if they don't do what the government ask them to do—such as reduce speed limit—withholding highway funds
- We have “career” politicians in Congress but will not allow the President to run more than two terms—22nd Amendment but they can run until they drop dead
- We have trials moved to other cities and states in direct violation of the US Constitution—Article 3 Section 2 Clause 3
- The Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of the Federal government has rejected the Peoples Right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances
- We have Presidents that believe the Executive Orders are law
- The Federal government is a national discriminator upon all citizen that work—Social Security is voluntary to join but if you want to work in the Nation you must join
The Federal government is forcing Social Security Numbers on newborn even though its a voluntary system
- Social Security is voluntary by law as the law states the the SS Cards are property of the SSA and must be returned when asked.
- Federal and State courts grants “Summary Judgments” and “Motion to Dismiss” in violation of the US Constitution—the right to have a Jury Trial
- The Federal and State governments do not give us a Republican Form of Government in direct violation of the US Constitution—Article 4 Section 4
- The Federal government created laws for education and funding, then violates the First Amendment of “free speech” by refusing individuals to pray or use the name of Jesus at graduation ceremonies
- We have changed the election of Senator from the Electors voting to a popular vote—Amendment 17
- US Supreme Court as given States and local governments the right under Eminent Domain, the right of property is taken either for government use or by delegation to third parties who will devote it to "public use or civic" or in some cases, economic development to receive a higher tax revenue
- Then Nations Capital has exceeded the Constitutional limits of 10 sq mi.—Article 1 Section 8 Clause 17—Now-Land area: 61 sq mi.
- States have the Constitutional right to coin gold and silver but the Federal government gave that right to a non—profit organization, not part of the Federal Government—the Federal Reserve, to print money and charge us for it, and controlling our economy, thus violating the Constitution provisions
- Only one Amendment (21st) has repealed another Amendment (18th) or Article, all other amendments have not repealed Articles or Amendments leaving them open and still in affect causing confusion with the Constitution
- We have Congress bailing out corporations, banks and financial institutions and making the citizens pay for the mistake of government etc.
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